Seamless project management repository unveiled

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Seamless project management repository unveiled

Seamless project management repository unveiled

The operations of The Mvula Trust revolve around project management in areas such as water, sanitation, institutions and social development and capacity development among others.

Consequently, refining and perfecting how the organisation implement projects requires assessment on a continual basis. To continue as a leading project management organisation, The Mvula Trust convened a workshop on the 24 – 25 April 2018 at the luxurious and elegant Sun City resort to unveil a repository that will improve our project management.Trevor Rajnarain, Engineering Operations Manager at The Mvula Trust, facilitated the workshop. He started by outlining different phases of project management the organisation should adopt and supporting administrative documents in the A-Z process of project management.“We have developed this repository to make project management simple and holistic, and I believe it will minimise administrative bungles the organisation is currently experiencing,” said Rajnarain.

He added that the repository would house a collection of all necessary resources that will “make work of technical project development officers efficient and free of errors.”

The efficient management of projects will curb unnecessary request extension of projects timelines, which, in most cases, cost the organisation whopping amount of money.The Mvula Trust’s Project Management Office (PMO), led by Trevor Rajnarain, trust that the newly introduced repository will eliminate delays and expedite project delivery – the latter will ultimately improve the livelihoods of beneficiaries.